Banca Transilvania onboards its clients in almost 15 minutes

  • June 30, 2022
  • Future Banking
  • 1 min read

Banca Transilvania’s technical team developed BT ONE internal platform used by its employees for account opening/onboarding and customer relations.

FlowX.AI innovative no-code/full-code technology is used to develop this platform and it enables the bank to fast and constantly develop new functionalities, every 2-4 weeks. This way, BT technical team launched ten essential functionalities for customer relations and advisory in less than a year.

Through its technical team’s support, Banca Transilvania developed, adopted, and scaled up FlowX.AI technology on top of its existing systems. It is a cloud-native platform that enables the bank to increase constantly its agility, visible, especially in customer responsiveness. It is also the main solution used by BT for the digital transformation of the internal processes.